Annual Practising Certificates (APC)

All full year APCs expire 31 March.  You are required to hold an APC if you are practising as a chiropractor for one day or the whole year.

  • Your employer and/or patients/clients may ask to view your APC.
  • Your APC will be issued in your name and will show any conditions the Board has applied to your scope of practice.
  • Each year you renew your APC you must complete a number of declarations.  The Board would like to remind you of the importance of answering the questions correctly.  The declaration you are asked to make must be accurately responded to.  It is an offence to make any false declaration, and you could receive a fine of up to $10,000. (Section 172 of the HPCA Act 2003)

For more information:

  • As a registered chiropractor you are responsible for ensuring you apply for an annual practising certificate and that an application renewal is submitted to the Board for each year you intend to practise.

    It is an offence to practise without an APC, if you do so you may be:

    • prosecuted by the Ministry of Health and liable to a fine of up to $10,000 and
    • liable to disciplinary proceedings before the Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal.
  • If you are contemplating returning to practise you are advised to:

    1. Contact the Board for initial advice.
    2. Record any relevant Continuing Professional Development (CPD) activities you have completed whilst you were non-practising.
    3. Review the Board's Issuing Practising Certificates policy
  • If you do not intend to practise in New Zealand at any time during a practising year (1 April – 31 March) you can opt to remain on the Register as a non-practising chiropractor.  This means you will continue to receive information and updates, and it can be simpler to apply for an APC if/when you decide to return to practising in New Zealand.

  • If you do not intend to return to practising in New Zealand, you can choose to cancel your entry in the Register.

    Because you will no longer be registered you will not be able to call yourself a chiropractor; and you will not receive information and updates.  You will not be required to maintain your competence as a health practitioner.

    Once cancelled, if you wish to return to practising in New Zealand you will be required to: