Information for newly registered chiropractors

Once your registration has been approved you will receive a confirmation email with information on the next steps to applying for your Annual Practising Certificate (APC).  Please familiarise yourself with the information provided on this page.

Registration approval does not entitle you to practice chiropractic.  In order to begin practicing chiropractic in New Zealand you will need to apply for an Annual Practising Certificate (APC).  Please follow this link to access the Chiropractor Portal on the Board’s website, activate your account and apply for your APC by loging into the practitioner portal.

APCs are valid for one APC year; the APC year runs 1 April to 31 March.  APC’s purchased during the APC year are valid from the date issued until 31 March. A renewal notice will be emailed to you in early February each year.  If you are planning to continue practicing past 31 March, you need to ensure you complete the renewal process online by mid-March so that your Annual Practising Certificate status remains current from 1 April.

Important:  It is a breach of the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003 (the Act) for you to practice without holding an Annual Practising Certificate and doing so can result in disciplinary action.

Board Policies

As a registered health practitioner practising in Aotearoa New Zealand, it is your responsiblity to ensure you are familiar with all Board policies.


Please familiarise yourself with all of ACC requirements.  Please read through the ACC treatment provider handbook

For more information on:

  • ACC’s position statement,  ACC Position Statement on Treatment of Family Members, clearly outlines that you cannot claim ACC payments for the treatment of whānau and family members.  In accordance with the Scope of Practice, Code of Ethics and Competency Standards, it is your responsibility as a Chiropractor to understand and abide by ACC’s position.

    Who does this refer to:

    • - your spouse or partner, parent, child, sibling:
    • - members of your whānau or extended family, or your spouse or partner’s extended whānau or family:
    • - other individuals you have a personal or close relationship with.

    Not sure what to do?
    Click here to view ACC Position Statement on Treatment of Family Members.

    If you are uncertain about these criteria or consider that you may require another opinion, you should contact your local ACC Engagement and Performance Manager. Contact details can be found on the ACC website: Contact us (

    Read the Board's position statement on treating whanau, family and friends.

  • CPD or Continuing Professional Development is a fundamental, professional, and legal requirement to practicing chiropractic in New Zealand. It is important that practitioners fully engage to ensure their ongoing development and competence for the betterment and safety of those you provide care to. 

    Please ensure you are familiar with the Board's CPD requirements.

  • The principal purpose of the Health Provider Index (HPI) is to uniquely identify health providers and to hold that information in a central, national database for use by the New Zealand health and disability sector.

    The HPI identifies health practitioners, health provider organisations and facilities (the physical address where the health care takes place) in three separate indexes.

    The HPI supports the New Zealand health sector in enabling secure ways to access and transfer health-related information.

    Note: The Health Provider Index was previously known as the "Health Practitioner Index" and work is in progress to update the HISO standard to reflect the new naming convention.

    If you are wanting to obtain your HPI number, log into your practitioner portal on the website or contact the Board at 

  • Address for service
    It is a requirement of your registration under the HPCA Act that you advise the Board, within 21 days, of any change to your details such as change of mailing address, change of practice address etc.

    Section 140 of the HPCA Act 2003 requires health practitioner’s to provide the Registrar with –

    1. A postal address for service; and
    2. An electronic address for service.

    A health practitioner may change any address for service by notifying the Registrar of the change.

    Changes of name
    Within 1 month after you change your name, you are required to notify the Board.  You will need to provide a notarised copy of your Marriage Certificate or name change documents.

  • The NZ Chiropractic Board is different from the New Zealand Chiropractor’s Association in that the Board has been appointed by the Minister of Health to regulate the Chiropractic profession to ensure the health and safety of the public, whereas the purpose of the Association is to promote and support the profession.   

  • At 1 July 2019, it is a requirement in the Children’s Act 2014 for all existing, non-core children’s workers in the health workforce to have passed an appropriate check of their suitability to work with children (a worker safety check). It is your responsibility as a health practitioner to ascertain if you are required to meet the requirements of this Act.  

    For more information on this requirement, please visit the Te Whatu Ora website.

    The Children's Act 2014