
The Board is committed to open, transparent and consistent consultation when reviewing or developing standards, guidelines and related policies for dissemination to the public, the profession and stakeholders.

From time to time, the Board will seek feedback, information and/or advice and will consider it when making decisions. Consultation does not mean that the Board will abrogate its responsibility to make decisions consistent with its purpose and functions under the HPCA Act.

Benefits of consultation

The Board recognises that open consultation has many benefits, including:

  • enabling stakeholders to contribute to policy development
  • facilitating working dialogue with internal and external stakeholders
  • helping early identification of potential problems and issues with proposed standards, guidelines and related policies
  • assisting to make the process of developing standards, guidelines and related polices accountable
  • increasing public and stakeholder understanding of the role and functions of the Board.

How the Board will consult

  • Consultation will usually be undertaken for a period of six weeks, allowing sufficient time for consideration by the profession, public and stakeholders.
  • Consultation papers will be available for downloading from the Board’s website.
  • Consultation will be promoted to the Board’s practitioner and stakeholder database as well as in the Board’s newsletter and through the Board’s website.
  • Submissions received by practitioners or stakeholders will be acknowledged on receipt.
  • The Board will determine the appropriateness and desirability of public and stakeholder kanohi ki te kanohi/face-to-face consultation meetings on a case-by-case basis.

Current consultations:

We are seeking your input on a consultation with changes to the Board’s Advertising Policy.

Key documents and links:

If you cold please read through the consultation document, and fill out the survey by Friday 18 October 2024, that would be most appreciated.

The Board values your feedback and looks forward to receiving your responses.

Consultation Outcomes

Professional Standards Consultation - Summary report

Revised CPD programme – consultation outcomes report

Publication of Orders (“Naming Policy”) – Consultation outcomes report

The Board extends its thanks and appreciation to the individuals and groups who provided feedback on these consultations.